Saturday, November 5, 2016

Halloween favorites

 Elle 21 months old

 Emily and Camden
Kayla, Elle and Matt

Yellowstone Park

Can I just say, I love my life!
On Oct. 29th, Wynn took me to Yellowstone National Park.
I just love going there.  I love going to 
Old Faithful and walking all those boardwalk trails.
It just warms my soul! It was a rainy day and oh, so beautiful!
Absoutely perfect day!

We even got to go to Sizzler with Steven and his family this
same day.  I'm telling you, it was a perfect day!

Halloween Activity Day

We had so much fun making pumpkins for
Activity Day.
I love these girls!


The kids came for Sunday dinner and Camden had on
his new superman shirt he got for his birthday.
Wynn couldn't wait to put on his Superman 
shirt too!  
We had a ball!
We just love these guys.  

Special little girls

Sam & Hailey came for a quick week end.
They came on the Thursday night the 20th and
stayed for the week end.
We'll take them whenever we can get them.
So nice that they live close enough that they
can come for a quick visit.

These little girls, stole my heart.
They are so cute and so much fun.

We love you Jenna and Nora Jo.
You are special to us.  

Just look at those faces...
Melts my heart.  

Camden turns 6!

On October 21st, our Camden turned 6 years old!
I can't believe he is already 6.  Boy, that six years went
so fast.  Camden is a sweet, loving and big hearted little boy.
I have a special place in my heart for him.  He reminds me of
Steven when he was that age.  

Sam & Hailey were here for the party.
We had a ball!

 Jenna with Grandpa Monk in the RZR.  
The grand babies always love a ride with Grandpa. 
 Not only was Camden's cake sooooo cute but it was delicious!

 Our littlest "Monkey"

 All my grand babies except for Elle!
Emily 8
Camden 6
Jenna 4
Tyson 2
Nora 10 months old
(I just love these guys, they are my everything!)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Moab - Fall 2016 (Oct. 5th - 9th)

We got to go to Moab again this fall!
Kaylynn and Loran Kinghorn went with us.
We left Wednesday morning and drove all the
way there.  We got there when it was so dark.  I don't really
know why it was so dark but it was really dark.  The moon wasn't
out and the stars were  not out.  So, we pulled onto the Mill 
Canyon Road.  We stopped at the trail head and camped
for the night.  Kay and Loren stopped in Wellington and camped.
They got away a couple of hours after us.  

On Thursday morning, Wynn found us a wonderful place
to camp.  We took the trailer there and the adventure 
began.  The weather was perfect and I loved having
a bathroom, shower and a place to cook and most
of all, a fridge!  Trailer camping is the best!  

 Day #1

 Uranium Arch

 Day #2
Klondike trail

Real dinosaur tracks

Day #3
Top of the World

Just a minor trouble on the trail.
Thank goodness for jumper cables!

It was a horrible trip to the top but the view was fantastic.
Pretty scary going to the edge to see over.
Hence, Loran laying on his tummy.  

There was this guy at the top of the trail.  I couldn't believe
he rode his bike to the top.  The trail was so rocky
and strait up.  I bet it was a grunt to get there but he sure
was happy and willing to let me take his picture.
He even took our picture.