Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Emily's Baptism

I can't believe Emily is 8 years old!  Boy, that time sure
passed quickly.  It seems like just yesterday she was born.
I felt so honored that Brooke asked me to speak at Emily's
baptism.  Natalie also got to speak.  I spoke on baptism and
Natalie spoke on the Holy Ghost.  
I think it was perfect!

 After the baptism we went over to Steve and Brooke's and had
lunch.  WE had yummy Sandwich tree sandwiches.
It truly was a special day.  

This is a picture of the towel I made for Emily's baptism.
We also gave her her white baptism dress.
It's so fun having grandkids!
I love it!  


lunch with Mom's

While I was in Minnesota, I got a call from my old friend Diana Veenendaal.
She was coming to Idaho Falls and wanted to get together with our Mom's and go
to lunch.  I was so glad they invited me and my Mom.  It was so fun
catching up with everyone.  Us girls were friends growing up and
our Mom's were friends too.
So fun! 

Top row: left to right - Julie Rigby, Diana Veedendaahl, Jenna (Paula's daughter), Paula Hegsted, & me.  sitting - Donnetta George, Shirley Young, and Arlene Hayes

Minnesota/Nora's blessing

The day after Christmas Wynn and I flew out of Idaho Falls
to Minnesota to go to Nora's blessing. 
Sam met us at the Airport and I couldn't wait to meet
our new little Nora Jo.

 It was so fun watching Jenna open her Christmas presents.
We took their Christmas in an old suitcase and then we just 
left the old suitcase there.  Worked great!

 Nora on her blessing day.
Always makes me so proud to see my boys bless their babies.
A dream come true!

 This is the quilt I made Nora.

 Sam took us to the Mall of America.
It was huge!  Jenna loved it because there is an amusement park in it.
She loved the rides.  

 I loved the Lego store.  This Santa is about waist high.
 All made out of Lego's.

 We had to stop and see the St. Paul Temple.  It was so small.  
It was located in the corner of a stake center parking lot.
Still it was beautiful. 

 We got lots of snow while we were there.
On our way home the plane was late and so we missed out
connecting flight in Denver and so we had to spend the night there.
We didn't get  home until the next day.

Nora was so sweet!  Our family is blessed to have her here.

Christmas Day 2015

Christmas came and went so fast!
There was always something going on.
My goal is for next year I'm able to enjoy
the season more by not being so busy.
I want to get my sewing done early so 
I'm not crunched for time.  

We had a pretty relaxing Christmas Day!

 Our Christmas tree this year!
 So glad that Natalie got to come home and spend the holidays
with us.  She is a blessing to our family.
 Glad Aunt Pat could come and spend the day with  us too.

 My Mom!  My joy, my best friend and everything that is good!
So glad she could come spend the day with us.

 My two grandsons.
They are just the cutest.  I love you Camden and Tyson.
 Wynn and his Christmas present.
Can you believe he lit a fire right there on my living room floor.
They never really grow up.
 Our Emily!

 Brookie gave us all manicures.

 So cold, notice the "feels like."
 My new favorite Christmas decoration.