Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Last Monday I got a package in the mail!
It was so fun opening this gift from Kayla.
Isn't this T-towel just the cutest?
I love it! It says "Happy Birthday"
in French.
It was just so thoughtful of Kayla to
send this to me.
I just love it and her too.  
It looks so cute on my oven.
It's new  home!  

Yesterday, Aug. 2nd, I went up to Mom's to help her
pick apples.  We then went out to Steve & Brooke's
to watch the kids so she could go get her hair cut.
I just had to post these pics of our little Tyson.
He was so cute! 
I just love that kid.....

Maiden Voyage

I can't believe that we bought us a new camper/trailer!
It kind of happened fast.  We were looking at used ones but
we couldn't find just what we wanted so, we bought
a brand new Aspen  Trail 27 foot trailer.
It is beautiful!
It has a bathroom with a shower!
SCORE!  No more stinky me when we go camping.
It is huge and doesn't fit by the side of our house so
Wynn is making us an RV pad in the backyard.
WE are excited to get out and explore our own
backyard here in Idaho!
So glad I am not going back to work!
We're going camping......

Last Thursday we headed for Mackey, Idaho.
WE camped there in a super nice campground.
The Kinghorn's came with us.
We road RZR's and had a blast!
I am so thankful for good friends!

 On our way to Copper Basin.
This photo is taken at the Mine Hill Tour.

 Day #2, we loaded the RZR's in Loren's enclosed trailer.
While we were gone, there was a huge wind storm.
This tree fell right where Loren's trailer would
of been if we hadn't taken it.


 Top of the world!
We went all the way to the top to the look out tower.
It was so scary but look at that view!
Me and my  honey!
I love you Wynn!