Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Today was Valentine's Day.
I got to visit two of my three sweet, little Valentines.
I feel so blessed that all my grand babies live close
enough that I can go see them when I want to.
Life gets busy and I don't see them as much as I want to
but how blessed we are that they are so close.

This year I gave each one of my grand babies a new
Valentine's Day story book.

I got to sit and read the new book to Emily and Camden today.
Oh my what cuties they are, I just love them.
I'll see Jenna on Saturday and give her's to her then.  

Yesterday was Activity Day.
I got to spend time with these cute girls.
They are showing  you the "Love Bugs" they made.
We had a great time and I still believe that
Activity Day Leader is the best calling in the church.
I simply love these girls, they are so cute, fun and love
every little thing we do for them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Today is Sam's 26th birthday!
I can't believe he is that old.
It feels like he was just my sweet little boy.
I don't know how he got so old.

I remember when he was a baby, he was so cute
and so cuddly.  I used to sit and rock him and
he would suck his thumb and pet my nose.
Oh, how I remember his sweet breath and
his soft touch.  
I  miss that so much. . . 
A sweet memory of my little Sambo.

We are so proud of our Sam.
He is self driven and knows what he wants out of life.
He is a fantastic husband and father.
I love seeing him with his little Jenna.

We wish Sam the happiest birthday ever.
We hope all your dreams come true!  

Cute boys. . .

I just had to share this cute picture of all these return missionaries.

I remember a few years ago before Matt's mission thinking that that time was so far away.
Well, it has come and gone and I can't believe it.
Some of Matt's friends are coming home now and he has been enjoying such sweet
reunions.   It feels good to have the basement buzzing with boys and hearing
their laughter.  Oh, such good kids and we couldn't be happier.
There is nothing better than good kids and good clean fun!
My heart is full, so thankful for Matt's safe return and his service in the mission field.
He keeps sharing experiences and things he has learned with me and 
I love it.  He is just so much fun to have home. . . 

The above picture was taken after Austin reported his mission last Sunday.

from left to right ~

Blake Grow ~ South Africa
Matt Monk ~ California Ventura
Austin Fransen ~ Oklahoma  Oklahoma
Allen Johnson ~ Poland