Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kayla's Bridal Shower

Matt, Kayla, and Kayla's mom, Shauna, came to Idaho
this past week end from Las Vegas for Kayla's
Bridal Shower.

We didn't know Matt was coming but he surprised us.
It was nice having company for the week end.

Friday night Matt and Kayla even had some friends over.
Popcorn and Pop were devoured.  It seems whenever
Matt is around Popcorn is made.  
(that Whirley Pop has made a BIG impact on our popcorn habit)
It felt so good having Matt and friends here once more.  
I sure miss that.  

Saturday morning we had a Bridal/ luncheon/shower 
honoring Kayla.  

We had a great turn out and the event was a hit!

 Here is Natalie with baby Tyson and baby Memphis.
Memphis is Jerrica's new little baby boy.
He is just one month and one day younger than Tyson.
Aren't they so cute?
(What a cute daughter I have!)
 We played the bubble gum game.
No shower is complete without it.
I had Matt answer some questions and then at the
shower, Kayla had to answer how she thought Matt would of.
She did a great job although, her mouth was pretty full of 
bubble gum.  For each one she gets wrong, she has to
add another piece of gum.
So fun!

 I think Emily had just as much fun helping
with the presents as Kayla had opening them.

 She got some really nice gifts.
I am always overwhelmed when I see how
supportive people in my life are.
How blessed we are in so  many ways.

 Such a fun day!
Thanks to everyone who came and especially to all my daughters
who helped with the food, you are awesome!  
Okay, for the best gift ever. . . 
This is what Kayla gave me.
Oh, it just warmed my heart.  
I think Matt is getting a gem for a wife,
we couldn't be happier!  

Friday, February 21, 2014

Sam's B'day!

Sam, Hailey, Jenna and Natalie had just gotten home
from skiing at Whistler when we had Sam's
birthday party.

We had pizza, salad, root beer and of course,
birthday cake and ice cream.

 Jenna and Natalie

 Guess who had  more fun blowing out the candles?

 So I tried and tried to get a good picture of these three,
I never did succeed.
This is what I got. . . 

P.S.  Don't you think I have the cutest grand babies in the world?
I sure do!


With Wynn being a bishop up at BYU-I, we get the opportunity
of having FHE in our home each Monday evening.
What a fun time we have!  It's so fun having these
students come and enjoy themselves.
We always have spaghetti, salad and french bread.
The desserts is whatever I come up with.
We feel blessed being part of their lives.
 Feb. 3rd, 2014
 Feb. 10, 2014
Feb. 17, 2014

Catch-up. . .

 Movie night with Grandpa and Grandma.
 Super Bowl Sunday
 Tyson snoozing. . . 
 Looking board during Super Bowl.
 Emily loving on Tyson on Super Bowl Sunday.
 Cuteness. . . 
 Emily and Tyson
 Feb. 9th
Steven having fun with his kiddo's
 Cutest bunch of kids I know. . . 
 Tyson - Feb. 19th, 2014
6. 5 weeks old
6.5 weeks old
Tyson 6.5 weeks old
Emily 6 years old

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Another year older and deeper in debt. . .

I'm slow getting my blog up dated but here I go. . . 

I'm not too fond of my birthday and this year was no exception.
Wynn has been so busy and stressed out at work that
he totally forgot my birthday.  That  was okay but
my feelings were a little hurt.

He really was prepared he just forgot what day it was.  He had
purchased my gift way back before Christmas and he
had also gone shopping for all the grandkids.
He thought it would be fun to not only give me
gifts but to give the grand babies gifts too.
It really was fun and the kids loved it.
I missed a picture of Jenna but the little
girls got stuffed frogs.  
Emily's was just "frog" looking and Jenna's was
Valentine Pink.  Boy, Emily wasn't too
happy about that.  We had a good laugh
over that one.  
Camden got a slinky and baby Ty, he got a tie!

We had a lovely evening, the kids did dinner and I
didn't have to do a single thing.  That was the best
gift ever.

Natalie gave me the new Lady Antebellum c.d.  and I 
love it!
Sam and Hailey gave me a darling Valentine's Day
mail box with a cupcake mix inside.  Really is so cute!
Steven & Brooke gave me a bowl full of fun things like a
avocado slicer, a lemon squeezer and some other
fun stuff.
I was totally spoiled.

So thankful for my family and their love for me. 

I got a wheat grinder.
I have even used it, I made homemade whole wheat bread and 
if I say so myself, it turned out pretty well.

 Natalie, loving our new little Tyson.

 My Aunt Pat and I share the same birthday.
We gave her a bouquet of flowers.