Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine's Activity Day

This year for our Activity Day Valentine's Party,
this is what we did:
1)  We played headbanz game.  I put a band around the girl's head then 
put a card that has a object on it.  She then asks ?'s to the girls and tries to
guess what the object is.  They loved it!
2)  We played stack the hearts for minute to win it game with conversation
hearts.  They loved this too.
3)  Then we made a craft.  See the pillows in this picture?  I had 
them all ready made, they just had to tie the ties together.
So easy and they loved it.  Just relaxing and enjoyable.
4)  We then had cinnamon rolls and hot cocoa for refreshemnts.

Fun, fun, fun!

(I was so sick this day.  Suffering from vertigo.  But, I did manage.)
Wynn did Arby's for dinner.

 This is my Valentine from Whitney Jackson.
So cute, I just love that girl.  


 This is our first FHE group for this semester.
We met on Feb. 2nd.
I made Eclairs for this one.
Such a fun group.
I love seeing Wynn in Bishop mode with the kids.
He is just awesome!

This is the second group for this semester.
I made cinnamon rolls for this one.
Valentine ones in fact!
Such good, fun kids.
I enjoy having them come into our home.
Blessing, blessing, blessing!

Super Bowl Sunday

I didn't take too many pictures of our
Super Bowl Sunday Party.
But I did capture Wynn all ready for the game.
Yup, he's a Seahawks fan!
Still a Seahawks fan after their loss.
(Isn't  he just the cutest?)

The Kinghorn's came over along with Steven
and Brooke.  We enjoyed lots of good
food and the game.

I just love this little Ty Baby.

Swimming fun!

On Saturday, January 31, Wynn and I went with
Steven and Brooke + kids to Jackson Hole, WY
to go swimming in their community pool there.
We had so much fun!  These little kids love to swim!

After swimming we went to dinner at a hamburger place.
I can't remember the  name of it but it was so good.
Expensive but so good.
We had such a fun day.  I feel so blessed that we get to
spend time with these kids of ours.
We just love them!  

Activity Day

I just love these girls.
For our activity, we went over to the church.
Sis. Sant taught us about being physically active.
We played some games and then
we went into the kitchen and enjoyed 
a fruit smoothy.
Aren't they just the cutest girls in the world?

Aunt Donna

My Aunt Donna passed away just a couple of days
before my birthday.  We attended her funeral on
January 28th.
So thankful for family.
Glad we could go to her funeral.
Donna is my Mom's sister.
Just Mom and Aunt Marceen left in that family.
Families are Eternal!  

My Birthday 2015

 I am just not a birthday person. 
I don't enjoy the attention.
But, this year rocked!
Let me explain. . . . 

So, I have always wanted Cowboy Boots.  I don't know
something about them just rocks my world.
Several times when I have gone on a diet,
I have told myself that if I lost a certain
amount of weight I would treat myself
to a pair of cowboy boots.
That never  happened. 
Well, one day at work, I noticed a girl that
I worked with had cowboy boots on. 
Oh my gosh, I loved them.  
That did it!  I went home, did some research on
the internet and decided I would probably never
loose enough weight to justify an expensive
pair of boots.  But,  my birthday was coming up!

So, I surprised Wynn by buying my own birthday gift......
(he was thrilled) 
I didn't order them with pink trim but they
came that way and I decided that I really like it.

It is taking some time to getting them all broke in
but they really are comfortable.
1.  They have a heavy sole, keeps me from slipping
2.  They are also very warm for these cold Idaho days.
3.  I just think they are so cute!
(I just might go for a cowboy hat next year)
What do you think?

A couple of days before my birthday, the R.S. presidency
came and visited me.  I enjoyed it so.  What a neat thing.
They even gave me a card with this cute fridge magnet in it.  
I love it!  

My birthday was on a Saturday.  On Friday, the girls at
work with gave me 2 mixes from Prepared Pantry and 
a pancake turner.  They even brought donuts for us all.
It was so thoughtful of them, I just loved it!  

Then, on Friday, Aunt Pat and I celebrated our birthdays by
going to lunch at Texas Roadhouse.  
It was so fun, all my Aunts and Mom came.
Steven, Brooke, Camden and Ty came too! 
Le and Erma even came. 
So fun to see everyone and they even brought me cards!
Cards are nostalgic to me.
My Grandma Gneiting always gave cards.
My Mom does too.
I don't but I do enjoy them.
So fun to read them and enjoy their messages.  

 On Saturday, my real birthday, we were suppose to go
to Jackson Hole swimming with Steven and his family.
Saturday morning, it was so foggy and sleety.
The roads were terrible!
We opted to stay around  home.
We took the kids and went to Leo's for pizza.
Brooke brought an oatmeal cake, (my favorite).
So fun being with some of my favorite people.

 Our little Ty Baby!
 Matt and Kayla even sent flowers.
So thoughtful of them.
I always love flowers.
The yellow is so cheery this time of year.
 Kaylynn and Loren came a visiting.
This is what they brought me.
Oh, such good friends they are to us.
We just love them.
 Steven, Brooke and the kids
game me this cute grey scant, handmade headband and
Brooke and Emily's favorite lips!
I couldn't be  happier!
 I love them all.
 My friend, Kris, game me a laminator.
Who would think of that?
Kris did and I love it.
I'm looking for something to laminate!

Jana game me a Valentine Bear and nail stuff.
Oh my word, the lindor chocolate is to die for.

 I got a coupon from Deseret Book to come in and get a
free birthday gift.
I chose this one!  So cool, I'm going to use it 
as my Gratitude journal.
I can't wait to write  in it.

Oh, I guess I really do like my birthday.
I did feel special and loved.
Good bye 54 hello 55.
Life just keeps getting better.
I don't have anything to complain about.
Life is so good.
I am blessed!  
I feel it everyday of my life.